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About History Internships

The College of Humanities strongly encourages all students to participate in an internship. Internships can apply for up to 6 credit hours towards a History degree between all opportunities.


Your internship coordinator, Cameron Vakilian, works with you to explore your interests, options, and may also direct you to appropriate resources. He can provide feedback about navigating through your search process and talk with you about mobilizing this experience to be competitive for full-time employment after graduation.

Cameron Vakilian

Cameron Vakilian

Director of Experiential Learning
College of Humanities 


Learn More About Humanities Internships

Department Funded Internship Opportunity

Hinckley Institute

The University of Utah History Department is proud to announce it has teamed up with the Hinckley Institute to provide opportunities to History majors and minors. Students engaging in internships through the Hinckley Institute will now be able to apply up to 6 HNKLY credits towards their History degrees.

The Hinckley Institute has been a staple institution of the University of Utah since 1965. This non-partisan institute was founded with the mission to engage students in governmental, civic, and political processes, promote a better understanding and appreciation of politics, and train ethical and visionary students for public service. Among its many engagement opportunities is a globally acclaimed internship program providing students with experience and education that employers need.

The History-Hinckley Partnership will allow History majors and minors to receive credit towards their degree when they work on an internship through the Hinckley Institute. This is a major opportunity for students to prepare for the dynamic 21st century job market. Participating in History-Hinckley Partnership internships will further amplify the attractiveness of history majors to employers, a trend the Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, and other news outlets have reported on widely.

Internships are available both locally and in Washington D.C., providing unmatched opportunity for History students. Local opportunities include the Bureau of Land Management, Capitol Preservation, Utah State Legislature, and Artes de Mexico. Washington D.C. opportunities include the Supreme Court Curators Office, the U.S. Department of Treasury Curators Office, and the Smithsonian Museums. Subsidized housing options are available. We are also working on providing global internship opportunities.

Click here for the full current list of available internships. 

For more information, contact an academic advisor at

Last Updated: 7/11/24