Rachel Mason Dentinger | Assistant Professor

Rachel Mason Dentinger
Assistant Professor
Dr. Rachel Mason Dentinger is an assistant professor of History at the University of Utah. She is a historian of science, technology, and medicine, with a focus on 19th and 20th-century biology (and especially evolutionary biology), history of medicine, and history of 19th and 20th- century American science and technology. She is completing a book on the history of coevolutionary studies of insects and plants in Cold War America.
BS, Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, University of Minnesota
PhD, History of Science, Technology & Medicine, University of Minnesota.
History of biology, evolutionary biology, entomology, botany, biomedical research, nonhumans in history
(2018) One Health and its Histories: Animals and the shaping of modern medicine, Abigail Woods, Michael Bresalier, Angela Cassidy, and Rachel Mason Dentinger. Science, Technology and Medicine in Modern History Series, Palgrave.
(2018) “Introduction to ‘Working Across species’”, Rachel Mason Dentinger and Abigail Woods, co-editors of “Working Across Species: Comparative Practices in Modern Medical, Biological and Behavioural Sciences,” a topical collection in History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 40 (30).
(2017) “From ‘Actual Forces’ to ‘Token Stimuli’: Gottfried S. Fraenkel and the Evolutionary ‘Raison D’Être’ of Plant Molecules, 1930s-1960s,”Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 47(2): 127-163.
(2017) “Animal Roles and Traces in the History of Medicine, c.1880–1980”, Angela Cassidy, Rachel Mason Dentinger, Kathryn Schoefert, and Abigail Woods, BJHS Themes, “Animal Agents,” edited by Amanda Rees, 2: 11-33.
(2016) "Patterns of Infection and Patterns of Evolution: How a Malaria Parasite Brought ‘Monkeys and Man’ Closer Together in the 1960s,"Journal of the History of Biology 49(2):359-95.
(2016) “Ecology and Infection: Studying Host-Parasite Interactions at the Interface of Biology and Medicine,” Pierre-Olivier Méthot and Rachel Mason Dentinger, co-editors of special issues, “Ecology and Infection,” Journal of the History of Biology, Volume 49 (2): 231-240.
HIST 4080 – History of Medicine in Western Civilization
HIST 1110 – European History Since 1300
HIST 3910/HONOR 3955/HPSCI 3950 - History of Women in Science, Technology, and Medicine.
HIST 4701/HONOR 4471 – Darwinian Revolution
HONOR 2109 – Honors Core in Intellectual Traditions, Ecology & Legacy Minor
2022/2023 Tanner Humanities Center Fellow
2022 Taft-Nicholson Center Faculty Fellow
2021/2022 Environmental Humanities Professorship, Environmental Humanities Graduate Program, University of Utah.
2017 Everett Mendelsohn Prize, Journal of the History of Biology, for ‘‘Patterns of Infection and Patterns of Evolution: How a Malaria Parasite Brought ‘‘Monkeys and Man’’ Closer Together in the 1960s’’ 49 (2016), 359–395.