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Graduate Student Scott Morris Receives Marriner Eccles Fellowship


About the Marriner Eccles Fellowship

The Eccles Graduate Fellowship in Political Economy was established by an endowment by Marriner S. Eccles, the first chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. The Marriner S. Eccles Fellowship is for full-time graduate students pursuing research in banking, business, education, finance, humanities, law, social sciences, and exploring the impact of their research on relationships among politics, public policy and the economy.

The Graduate School at the University of Utah annually awards Marriner S. Eccles Graduate Fellowships to enable graduate students to pursue advanced research projects in fields relating to political economy. Students awarded the Eccles fellowship (without distraction of employment) will direct their efforts to research in political economy and its impact on public policy, as well as to their other academic studies.

Scott Morris

Scott Morris


 I study the intersections between environmental and economic history and am using that lens to complete a history of the Great Salt Lake. I’m interested in the ways that people’s quotidian, workaday lives translate into environmental impact. Using a case study approach that focuses on individual industries and practices, I’m finding 19th and 20th Century Great Basin history to be a cascade of capitalist intensification, as the initial stages of settler colonialism were supercharged by capitalism and resource exploitation. Understanding this period is critical for explaining why the Lake is facing such severe challenges today.

Scott Morris is a PhD Candidate in the University of Utah History Department

Last Updated: 6/26/24