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Joseph Stuart receives Rocky Mountain American Religion Seminar Grant

josephJANUARY 21, 2020 - The University of Utah Vice President for Research's Office has agreed to fund. the Rocky Mountain American Religion Seminar for the second time. According to History PhD Candidate Joseph Stuart, the purpose of the grant is to bring in scholars from across the United States to share their work, receive feedback, and when appropriate, deliver a public lecture.

The grant is used to benefit faculty and graduate students who are involved in research related to the guest scholar's area of expertise, such as African American history, immigration, or early America. "I am thrilled that the Vice President for Research's Office has chosen to support the Rocky Mountain American Religion Seminar for the second time", says Stuart. "The Seminar will allow University of Utah faculty and graduate students to participate in the creation of cutting-edge scholarship and forge new relationships with scholars across the country."

To learn more about funding opportunites from the Vice President for Research's Office, visit:




Last Updated: 9/14/23