Peter Roady Featured in National Security Podcast

Peter Roady
Professor of History Peter Roady's new book The Contest Over National Security is featured in Peter Bergen's podcast, "In the Room." Bergen is CNN's national security analyst and Episode 77 of his show asks "What is National Security Anyway?"
"Declaring something a matter of “national security” is a great way to get people to take it seriously — and Congress to fund it. After all, what matters more than keeping the United States and its citizens safe from foreign attack? But what about the economic security of the citizenry? Or their health? President Franklin Delano Roosevelt thought those should be included too — and that if the government didn’t prioritize them as national security issues, Americans might begin to look to autocrats to provide for their well-being. Was FDR right?" - Listen here.
Peter Roady's book The Contest over National Security: FDR, Conservatives, and the Struggle to Claim the Most Powerful Phrase in American Politics is available from Harvard University Press and Amazon.